Blog Guidelines

Things to note when playing in our blog playground…

I like to adhere to The Golden Rule. I appreciate your participation in the comments section of this blog, however, I reserve the write to remove inappropriate comments because I’m the blogger of this blog, the rule of this roost.

I do not EVER edit comments.

If you don’t see your comment appear on this blog, it is probably because either you’ve been totally and inappropriately rude or you’ve put your phone number in the post, and I don’t feel it is appropriate to share your number with others.

By commenting on my blog, you are giving me your implied permission to reuse, republish, refer to and otherwise use your words in any format or medium. That’s just the way it is.

Here are some other things to consider when commenting on my blog:

1. Be kind. The Golden Rule applies here. Make comments on content or issues, not individuals.

2. Be transparent. None of us appreciate anonymous comments, however, will allow them if they follow The Golden Rule as I truly understand there are some valid reasons for maintaining anonymity.

3. Be truthful. I work hard to check our facts and tell you what I believe to be true. I ask that you do the same.

4. Don’t spam. If you come to my blog to promote your company, service or product, chances are I will remove the post unless it is relevant to the conversation and done so in a non-commercial fashion.

5. Add value. While I know that value is in the eye of the beholder, I hope that you contribute comments in the spirit of elevating this blog to higher levels of discourse and to provide information useful to the community at large. Not that we can’t have fun or be silly here – let’s just try to help others when we can.

6. Link appropriately. Please confine the links in your blog comment to appropriate, relevant sites. Bad links will be removed.

I consider my blog to be like my backyard. I reserve the right to ask you to leave or block you from my blog if you are unable to “play nice.”

I will always provide a reason if I delete a comment or block someone – as long as you provide their correct email address. And I will be open to valued members of this blog community and tell everyone why I do what I do so there is no ambiguity.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at babyfruit [AT] gmail DOT com.

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  1. Jeanay Kollander

     /  October 11, 2009

    It is always refreshing to touch base with different lives that share common ground. I love the long Alaskan nights and the big beautiful outdoors that Alaska rural areas have to offer. I enjoyed you sharing your infor…bet of luck with your blogging….JK


     /  November 12, 2009

    I stumbled onto your blog while searching Fairbanks info….. nice surprise. My husband and I were stationed there in 1968 (we were practically babies). We were from PA, but now live in OR (over 30 years) and we’re planning a trip back to Fairbanks. We’ve taken an AK cruise butwe’ve not been back to the interior. Anyway, when we were stationed there, we recued a dog from the pound. The Chena flooded that year and there were many homeless animals. Long story short we named our puppy Tok. Throught the 60’s and 70’s everyone thought we were very cool to have a dog with such a name, for very obvious reasons. Even after we explained he was named for a town in AK and not and illegal substance, they still loved it. He lived to be 15 and was the best dog we ever’ve had .

    • I love your story! Send me a photo of Tok if you have one. Will post on my blog with your permission or will just keep it private if you prefer. Thanks!


     /  November 17, 2009

    I sent an e-mail with pic. attached. Hope you enjoy.


     /  November 19, 2009

    The photo is a very old picture but still one of my favorites of Tok. He broke his leg when he was 10 weeks old. It never slowed him down, even with the cast on. He did get stuck a few places like under the bed, behind the toilet. Because of the break he had a pin in the elbow joint that made his leg slightly shorter than the other. Unless you looked very closely it wasn’t discernable. It didn’t cause a limp, however, if someone noticed and said something like “Oh baby, what’s wrong with your leg, he’d hold his paw up and develop an immediate and profound limp.
    Please feel free to share our “baby”.


     /  July 19, 2010

    Don’t know if you ever go the pic of our Tok but just read about you dog dying. I’m so sorry. We also had a black lab for 14 years. In fact all our dogs have lived 12-15yrs ad its very painfful to loose one. If you haven’t already, open your heart to anothe needy animal it will ease the pain and fill the void. God bless.


     /  July 19, 2010

    OOOOPPPPSSS! Typed the last message without my glasses. Need to use spell check!


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